ART LAB is a collaboration between researchers and staff at Cardiff University, the Creative Cardiff Network and arts and community hubs including Chapter Arts Centre. ART LAB was formed to explore and promote awareness of scientific topics through the mediums of art and film. The first topic we focused on was antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
ART LAB: Art of Antimicrobial Resistance event
As part of the Cardiff Science Festival 2022, the ART LAB team held a free AMR-themed event at Chapter Arts Centre. There was:
- A screening of a documentary film on the topic of AMR (www.resistancethefilm.com) and a panel discussion (2 pm 20th February 2022)
- An AMR-themed art exhibition that showcased commissioned artworks and artwork from a public art competition (2 pm- 5 pm 19 February 2022, 11 am – 5 pm 20-22 February 2022)
The documentary film included captions and there was British Sign Language Interpreter (Julie Doyle) at the panel discussion. Our panel included chair Becky Holmes (Public Engagement Manager, Institute of Physics Wales) and panel members Professor Eshwar Mahenthiralingam (Cardiff University School of Biosciences) and Professor Kerry Hood (Cardiff University Centre for Trials Research).
Our commissioned artists were Charlotte Hepburn, Drew Copus, Heloise Godfrey-Talbot and Jill Powell. You can read more about them and their commissioned artworks here. The art competition has now closed, all entries were displayed in Chapter at the in-person exhibition and are on our website as a virtual gallery.
For more information on the ART LAB project and event please contact the project lead Rebecca Weiser at ARTLAB@cardiff.ac.uk.

“Lucid, superbly filmed and galvanizing.” – The Washington Post
“The Movie That Will Make You Care About Antibiotic Misuse.” – WIRED
“gripping” and “engaging.” – Slate
ART LAB is funded by an Innovation for All Public Engagement grant, made possible by the Higher Education Council Funding for Wales (HEFCW).